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(CIIE) Xinhua Headlines: China import expo attractive to global exhibitors as country pledges further opening-up




(CIIE) Xinhua Headlines: China import expo attractive to global exhibitors as country pledges further opening-up
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* The large scale of the expo highlights the global companies’ confidence in the Chinese market and their commitment to further development in China.

* The Chinese market is still one of the best choices for companies worldwide.

* The keen interest from global participants has shown the growing influence of the CIIE and the charm of the Chinese market and also highlighted China’s determination to push forward the building of an open world economy.

SHANGHAI, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) — Chinese Premier Li Qiang pledged to open the country’s huge market further to share more growth opportunities with the rest of the world on Tuesday as the seventh edition of the China International Import Expo (CIIE) opened in Shanghai.

China, Cameroun Actuel
Chinese Premier Li Qiang delivers a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the seventh China International Import Expo and the Hongqiao International Economic Forum in east China’s Shanghai, Nov. 5, 2024. (Xinhua/Wang Ye)

The business exhibition of the world’s first national-level exposition dedicated to imports has attracted about 3,500 exhibitors from 129 countries and regions this year. Notably, a record high of 297 Fortune 500 companies and industry leaders are attending the six-day expo. And more than 400 new products, new technologies and new services are unveiled.

Experts believe the large scale of the expo highlighted the global companies’ confidence in the Chinese market and their commitment to further development in China despite the sluggish global economic recovery.


China is willing to open up its enormous market further and will continue to expand market access to sectors including telecommunications, the internet, education, culture and healthcare in an orderly fashion, Premier Li said in a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the 7th CIIE.

The sound fundamentals of the Chinese economy remain unchanged, according to Li, adding that the country’s new growth drivers are fast-growing, with double-digit investment growth in high-tech industries and development booms in emerging industries including artificial intelligence, advanced manufacturing and the green economy.

During a meeting on Monday with select exhibitors and buyers attending the expo, Li said that China is able to sustain steady economic recovery, improve the quality and capacity of its market, and provide more extensive growth space for global businesses in terms of trade, investment and innovation. He added that the Chinese market is still one of the best choices for companies worldwide.

The keen interest from global participants has shown the growing influence of the CIIE and the charm of the Chinese market and also highlighted China’s determination to push forward the building of an open world economy, said Zhao Fujun, a researcher with the Development Research Center of the State Council.

In 2018, China inaugurated the CIIE to build an open platform for international trade cooperation and to support free trade and economic globalization, making it a « golden gateway » to the world’s second-largest consumer market.

China, Cameroun ActuelChina, Cameroun Actuel
This photo taken on Nov. 5, 2024 shows the Tanzania Pavilion during the seventh China International Import Expo (CIIE) in east China’s Shanghai. (Xinhua/Yin Gang)

More than 420 billion U.S. dollars worth of tentative deals were signed at the CIIE’s earlier six editions since 2018. Beyond the event, global companies can reach a larger customer base and make further investments in the country.

Toshinobu Umetsu, president and CEO of Shiseido China, said he is very inspired and encouraged by Premier Li’s emphasis on China’s commitment to continuing high-level opening-up and to sharing development opportunities with the rest of the world.

The Japanese cosmetics giant will continue to strengthen its long-term investment in China. It has never wavered in its confidence and determination to invest in China, as the incredible vitality and resilience of the Chinese market make it a very important international market, Umetsu said.

German healthcare and agribusiness giant Bayer AG is among more than 180 companies and institutions that have attended all seven editions of the CIIE since 2018.

Bayer’s participation at the expo demonstrates its unwavering commitment to this important market, said Bill Anderson, chairman of Bayer AG Management Board.

« International cooperation and economic globalization are important factors in the world’s development. That’s why Bayer is glad to be part of the expo for the seventh consecutive year, » said Anderson.


The CIIE unlocks new opportunities for the world, Bayer said, adding that it will actively leverage this vital platform to continuously unleash its innovative potential while looking forward to forging partnerships with global collaborators.

China, Cameroun ActuelChina, Cameroun Actuel
A visitor learns about a bronchoscope robot at the exhibition area of Intuitive Fosun during the seventh China International Import Expo (CIIE) in east China’s Shanghai, Nov. 5, 2024. (Xinhua/Zhang Cheng)

Penne Kehl, Asia Pacific Group president of Cargill Agriculture and Trading, expects a very busy schedule at the import expo, including meeting with customers and partners and signing a few important deals and partnerships. U.S. food giant Cargill has participated in CIIE for seven consecutive years.

As its influence grows, the expo is attracting new foreign enterprises over the years. Canadian sportswear giant Lululemon is among the first-time participants.

The Chinese mainland is Lululemon’s largest market outside of North America and is also one of the most dynamic and exciting ones, which is key to driving the company’s international business, said Calvin McDonald, CEO of Lululemon.

« It’s an exciting opportunity to showcase the brand, drive awareness to our growth story and what we have planned for the future, » said McDonald. He added that Lululemon will continue to open more stores in the country, adding to its current 137 stores in 41 cities.

China offers free booths and other support measures to 37 least-developed countries to help them showcase their products at the import expo. It also expanded the exhibition area for African agricultural products.

China has been opening up its market to Africa, enabling transformation on the African continent, said Peter Kagwanja, founder and president of the Africa Policy Institute.

(Video reporters: Liu Yutian, Mei Yuanlong, Ruan Shuai; video editors: Liu Yutian, Liu Xiaorui, Mu Xurao, Li Qin, Meng Na, Zhang Yueyuan, Zhu Cong)■


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10 Astuces Surprenantes pour Économiser de l’Argent au Quotidien




10 Astuces Surprenantes pour Économiser de l’Argent au Quotidien
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Horreur à Bafia : un enfant victime de cruauté extrême




Horreur à Bafia : un enfant victime de cruauté extrême
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Un acte de violence inqualifiable secoue la ville de Bafia. Un garçon de 11 ans, en vacances de Noël chez Eliace Tedonfo, le frère adoptif de sa mère, a été victime de traitements inhumains. Pendant quatre jours, l’enfant a été enchaîné, privé de nourriture, et brûlé avec un couteau chauffé à blanc par Delphine Tedonfo, l’épouse de M. Tedonfo.


Selon les informations disponibles, la mère de l’enfant, résidant en Europe, a découvert avec horreur les sévices infligés à son fils et a immédiatement décidé de porter plainte. Cependant, l’affaire semble avoir pris une tournure préoccupante. Des accusations de corruption pèsent sur Eliace Tedonfo, qui aurait soudoyé les autorités locales afin d’étouffer ce scandale.


Cette affaire soulève des questions cruciales sur la protection des enfants face aux abus domestiques et sur la transparence du système judiciaire. Elle met en lumière les défis auxquels sont confrontées les victimes et leurs proches pour obtenir justice dans un contexte où l’impunité semble parfois prévaloir.


Face à l’indignation croissante, la communauté locale et les organisations de défense des droits humains appellent à une enquête impartiale et à des sanctions exemplaires contre les responsables. Une telle atrocité ne peut être tolérée et mérite une réponse rigoureuse des autorités compétentes pour protéger les plus vulnérables et rétablir la confiance dans le système judiciaire.


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Neymar sur Mbappé et Messi : Une rivalité née de la jalousie ?




Neymar sur Mbappé et Messi : Une rivalité née de la jalousie ?
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Dans une interview récente, Neymar a levé le voile sur les tensions qui ont marqué son passage au Paris Saint-Germain, en particulier sa relation avec Kylian Mbappé après l’arrivée de Lionel Messi au club. Une dynamique marquée par l’ambition, mais aussi par des désaccords inattendus.


« Lorsque Kylian est arrivé au PSG, il était extraordinaire. Je l’appelais « Golden Boy » et je voyais en lui l’un des futurs meilleurs joueurs du monde. Je voulais l’aider à atteindre ce statut, et notre relation était très forte. On passait beaucoup de temps ensemble, que ce soit sur ou en dehors du terrain », raconte Neymar.


Cependant, les choses se sont compliquées à l’arrivée de Lionel Messi, une figure incontournable du football mondial. Neymar explique :

« Quand Messi a rejoint l’équipe, Kylian a commencé à se sentir jaloux. C’était comme s’il ne voulait plus partager cette relation avec moi. »


Ces sentiments auraient alimenté des tensions au sein du vestiaire, modifiant la dynamique entre les stars. Neymar poursuit :

« C’est là que les disputes ont commencé, et tout a changé. Ce qui a vraiment fait dérailler les choses au PSG, c’est l’ego. »


Ces confidences de Neymar mettent en lumière les défis de la gestion d’une équipe composée de stars aux ambitions parfois conflictuelles. Une situation qui illustre l’équilibre fragile nécessaire pour maintenir une harmonie dans un club de ce niveau.


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